James Jay Lee Attacks The Heart Of Population Growth: The Discovery Channel

Image via Wikipedia James Jay Lee has taken hostages at the Discovery Channel in an attempt to force them to change their programming to reflect his Malthusian worldview.  Apparently, Discovery’s programming about child birth has led to a heretofore unknown baby boom which will overwhelm our planet with “parasitic human infants” and “filthy human children”.…

AP Silently Edits Firing Squad Story, No Correction Noted

Image via Wikipedia In my previous post, I lamented the death of journalism as displayed through a terribly biased and unprofessional article by Jennifer Dobner of the Associated Press.  The AP is now altered the article on their website and make no mention of any correction. The original article contained the following quote Lydia Kalish,…

Firestorm in Utah: Firing Squad Under Fire

Image via Wikipedia UPDATE: The AP has silently removed the offending quote. This just strengthens the point: Journalism is dead at the AP. There has been a bizarre flurry of outrage today as convicted murderer Ronnie Lee Gardner opted, as is his right under Utah law, to be executed by firing squad as opposed to…

Phone Spam

Image via Wikipedia Despite the best efforts of the Federal Goverment and the Do Not Call List, the proliferation of VOIP and cheap telephony has led to the recent surge in phone spam.  Unsolicited calls spoofing caller ID, and using auto-dialers with pre-recorded messages trying to sell you extended auto warranties, debt relief, home security…

Young Lovers, Beware!

Image via WikipediaAmorous couples would do well to take heed: a dumpster is a poor choice of venue for a romantic interlude. Though one would think this warning would be unnecessary, a Wichita couple learned this lesson the hard way recently. Apparently not bothered by the stink of garbage, or by its slimy texture, the…

Being Right Isn’t Enough

We came across two items in the news last week and are trying to understand why they elicit different reactions from everyone who encounters them(including us), even though they seem to be morally equivalent. In the first case, 17 year old Jacquelyn Lockard noticed $2.2 million extra in her bank account. She informed the bank…

What, No LEGO Ring?

Image via WikipediaIn addition to sharing a love of each other, Troy Cobb and Lacey Williams share a deep love of all things LEGO. Cobb arranged for a sign saying “Lacey Will You Marry Me?” to be added to the Vegas Strip model at LEGOLAND. Lacey obliviously walked past the sign twice before Troy finally…

Pole (Position) Vault

Image via WikipediaOne hundred fifty feet below the Earth, in an unused section of a limestone mine, one might be forgiven for not knowing what to expect. A mad scientist’s evil lair? A massive bomb shelter? Whatever fanciful speculation one might have, it would not be as incongruous as the booty stored in such a…

Airlines want your love

Airlines want your love. Desperate to save themselves, and divert attention from their panoply of surcharges and fees, they’re asking you to beg congress to stop the greedy oil speculators. We don’t expect them to find a lot of sympathy from anyone who’s flown in the last 10 years.