War Equals Peace, Cosmetology Equals Chemistry?

In what ought to be a criminal offense, Sharron Smalls, Principal of Jane Addams High School in the South Bronx stands “accused of handing students chemistry credits for cosmetology courses and geography credits for tourism classes. Teachers say the fraud may lead to more than 100 seniors not graduating from the F-rated school because they…

A Special Kind Of Hug?

British Airways was concerned about morale among cabin crews.  Rather than look at scheduling, pay, or working conditions, the airline developed a brilliant morale-boosting plan. Dubbed “Hug a Pilot”, the program urged cabin crew to mix more and socialize with pilots.  The Daily Mail reports that at least one stewardess decided a mere hug was…

Stop SOPA!

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] There has been much press about SOPA and the potentially chilling effect it will have on free expression.  There is no question that the law should not be passed, and we urge all to contact their elected officials and voice their opposition. Just as important, we need to…

Housebusters! Failed Mythbusters Test Sends Cannonball Through Houses, Car

Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman are accustomed to busting myths. But this week, the hosts of television’s “Mythbusters” busted two houses and a minivan.  A cannonball fired at tanks of water at bomb demolition range missed its target and careened for 700 yards through 2 houses and a car.  Fortunately, nobody was injured.  “Crazy, crazy,…

When It’s Not Enough To Merely Beat Your Dead Horse

For one 21 year old woman in Portland, Oregon, the question of what to do with a dead horse recently had a bizarre answer: strip naked and crawl inside. The 32 year old horse “was put down humanely, with a single shot to the brain from a high powered rifle.. When asked why she had…

Unemployed Equity Analyst Maintains Buy Rating On Dead Marriage

Failing to accept that his marriage his over, unemployed equity analyst Todd Remis has sued H & H photography, alleging that the firm failed to capture the last 15 minutes of his ill-fate nuptials, and demanding that they gather everyone back together and recreate the event in order to capture the moment for posterity.  Mr.…

Dave, The Clueless, Naked Mailman

Image via Wikipedia Attention Mailmen: Is there a young lady on your route who seems stressed and unhappy? Could she use an extra package to cheer her up? Mailman Dave was confronted with just such a problem as he traveled his appointed rounds. Not one to be daunted, by rain, sleet, snow, cold or arrest,…

Word Of Advice To Tow Truck Drivers

Image via Wikipedia While it’s always foolish to drink and drive, it should go without saying that it’s ever so much more foolish when you are a tow truck driver arriving at an accident scene. Tow truck driver Warren Dymond did so, arriving at the scene of a Liberty, NY accident with a blood alcohol…

Why I’ll Never Be a Landlord

I’m sure tenants commonly leave stuff behind, but WPTV in Fort Pierce, FL reports on a tenant who left an apartment filled with human excrement.  So much excrement was left, that it dripped through the floors and infused the building so completely that it destroyed neighbor’s possessions and may necessitate the demolition of the building.…