Category Archives: Uncategorized

AP Silently Edits Firing Squad Story, No Correction Noted

Image via Wikipedia In my previous post, I lamented the death of journalism as displayed through a terribly biased and unprofessional article by Jennifer Dobner of the Associated Press.  The AP is now altered the article on their website and make no mention of any correction. The original article contained the following quote Lydia Kalish,…

Young Lovers, Beware!

Image via WikipediaAmorous couples would do well to take heed: a dumpster is a poor choice of venue for a romantic interlude. Though one would think this warning would be unnecessary, a Wichita couple learned this lesson the hard way recently. Apparently not bothered by the stink of garbage, or by its slimy texture, the…

Being Right Isn’t Enough

We came across two items in the news last week and are trying to understand why they elicit different reactions from everyone who encounters them(including us), even though they seem to be morally equivalent. In the first case, 17 year old Jacquelyn Lockard noticed $2.2 million extra in her bank account. She informed the bank…

What, No LEGO Ring?

Image via WikipediaIn addition to sharing a love of each other, Troy Cobb and Lacey Williams share a deep love of all things LEGO. Cobb arranged for a sign saying “Lacey Will You Marry Me?” to be added to the Vegas Strip model at LEGOLAND. Lacey obliviously walked past the sign twice before Troy finally…

Airlines want your love

Airlines want your love. Desperate to save themselves, and divert attention from their panoply of surcharges and fees, they’re asking you to beg congress to stop the greedy oil speculators. We don’t expect them to find a lot of sympathy from anyone who’s flown in the last 10 years.

In other news, I’ll always be younger than my older brother

Smart My dad gave me one dollar bill ‘Cause I’m his smartest son, And I swapped it for two shiny quarters ‘Cause two is more than one! And then i took the quarters And traded them to Lou For three dimes-I guess he don’t know that three is more than two! Just them, along came…

Britney and Michael

How long before young Ms. Spears(or is it still Mrs. Federline) shows up in Bahrain in a burka married to Michael Jackson? One of the enterprising scribes at an established and respected news source ought to set about to make this happen. If they can also adopt Anna Nicole Smith’s baby, we may be able…

Tales of the Undead

We are not sure which is harder…trying to get yourself declared not dead when an organization thinks you are, or trying to convince an organization that your loved one has died and thus will not need them anymore… Sprint refuses to cancel the account of a man’s brother, who died suddenly in December. After over…

Baby Born Early As Father Can’t Bear To Miss Bears

Generally, the attendance of a father at his child’s birth is not optional. This potentially put Chicago Bears superfan Mark Pavelka in a bind. Pavelka had scored much coveted tickets to Sunday’s NFC Championship Game against eh New Orleans Saints, but with his wife pregnant and due on Monday, the prospect of birth and sport…