Category Archives: Uncategorized

Did Defective Tylenol Kill 2 Year Old?

It’s been a tough several years for the reputation of Johnson & Johnson. Over two dozen recalls affecting its most popular products including Tylenol, Benadryl and Motrin have created questions about quality processes at the venerable company. The Huffington Post notes The number of recalls and the company’s handling of them – including a 2008…

Stolen Monkey Banana-Sam Returned To San Francisco Zoo

Workers at the San Francsico Zoo were surprised on Friday morning when they discovered breaches in a perimeter fence and in the meshing around the squirrel monkey habitat.  They were worried when they discovered that Banana-Sam, a much-beloved monkey, was missing.  A day later, on Saturday evening, a man walking through a park noticed movement…

Thus Spoke Dr. Ravens- Give The Money Back

When Dr. Fred Ravens of Reading, MA purchased the house next to his office from the family of an elderly woman, he knew the walls were filled with memories. He didn’t know that they were also filled with cash.  When the crew he hired began to knock down walls, cash began flying out- $2500 in…

6 Things I Didn’t Know About Elephants

One would think it would be rather simple to count the toes on an elephant.  For many years the answer has been 5.  But recently John Hutchinson published a paper declaring the answer to be 6. What we learned reading How The Elephant Got Its Sixth Toe: Elephants have a sixth toe which is hidden…

Forbidden Disney

In 1989, for a brief run,Disney uncharacteristically let its hair down. A musical review produced for Comedy Warehouse, one of the late Pleasure Island’s night clubs, called Forbidden Disney, viciously poked fun at Disney itself. According to DeScope Michael Eisner gave Walt Disney Imagineering this assignment: “Create a show for the Comedy Warehouse. It should…

Stop SOPA!

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] There has been much press about SOPA and the potentially chilling effect it will have on free expression.  There is no question that the law should not be passed, and we urge all to contact their elected officials and voice their opposition. Just as important, we need to…

Housebusters! Failed Mythbusters Test Sends Cannonball Through Houses, Car

Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman are accustomed to busting myths. But this week, the hosts of television’s “Mythbusters” busted two houses and a minivan.  A cannonball fired at tanks of water at bomb demolition range missed its target and careened for 700 yards through 2 houses and a car.  Fortunately, nobody was injured.  “Crazy, crazy,…

James Jay Lee Attacks The Heart Of Population Growth: The Discovery Channel

Image via Wikipedia James Jay Lee has taken hostages at the Discovery Channel in an attempt to force them to change their programming to reflect his Malthusian worldview.  Apparently, Discovery’s programming about child birth has led to a heretofore unknown baby boom which will overwhelm our planet with “parasitic human infants” and “filthy human children”.…