Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fragrance company turns video game characters into scents

Are you a hard-core gamer? Have you had trouble attracting the ladies? But wait, I repeat myself. Well, in any case, now there’s help for you – a Connecticut company called Epic-Scents is creating a line of cologne based on famous video game titles, according to a deal announced at Comic-Com last week. The company’s…

America Leads The World In Not Exercising

Gretchen Reynolds of Well reports on a recent study on exercise habits around the world, and tells us that 43.3% of Americans do not meet the recommended low threshold for exercise. With the Olympic fast approaching, and America likely to be at or near the top in medals won, America’s exercise gap may be as…

Can 13 Year Old Aidan Dwyer Revolutionize Solar Energy?

Aidan Dwyer’s eureka moment came on a wintry Catskill hike- why not shape solar arrays like tree branches rather than flat panels?  His early results looked promising. Indeed, they won him a prestigious award for young scientists.  Then the press began, and with it, the news that his methodology had been flawed.  Dwyer, undaunted, began…