America Leads The World In Not Exercising

Gretchen Reynolds of Well reports on a recent study on exercise habits around the world, and tells us that 43.3% of Americans do not meet the recommended low threshold for exercise. With the Olympic fast approaching, and America likely to be at or near the top in medals won, America’s exercise gap may be as…

Weed Killer Goes On Rampage, Kills Lawn As Well

Ron Olson was preparing his 40,000 square foot lawn for an annual fundraiser he runs to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Wanting to ensure that everything would be perfect, Mr. Olson purchased and applied Ferti-lome weed killer to remove unsightly weeds. Unfortunately, Mr. Olson failed to read page 2 of the attached 8 page instruction…

Moonwalk, Or I’ll Blow Your Brains Out

The Joker, some may recall, used to ask his victims “Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?”  John Ernest Cross, a 30 year old Iowan, apparently prefers moonwalking to moonlight.  Cross was arrested after reportedly pointing a semiautomatic rifle at another man and ordering him perform the moonwalk.  At an initial…

Worst. News Story. Ever.

We didn’t go to fancy journalism school, so you’ll have to excuse our naivete in assuming that a news article ought to include news.  So we were pretty puzzled when we came across an article in The Vancouver Sun entitled “Museum curator may have answer to Vancouver Island totem-pole mystery”  Could be interesting we thought.…

Virginia Serial Butt Slasher Captured In Peru

It feels like it ought to be a euphemism, but Johnny D Guillen has been arrested in Peru after fleeing Virginia, where he is believed to have slashed the buttocks of 13 young women. Fairfax County Police in Virginia posted on its website that the man — whom it identifies as Johnny D. Guillen Pimentel…