That’s one way to wake up…

By | July 17, 2012

From the “It might be time to give up the driver’s seat” file…

72 year old Louise Ericksen of Northern Minnesota was driving her Chevy Impala, when the car crossed the median, and ran in to a ditch. The car smacked right in to a “No Passing” sign (which Ericksen may have seen, if she hadn’t been driving against traffic…) before somehow managing to get back up and on the road.

Unfortunately, Ms. Ericksen neglected one thing - 15 year old Kendall Erickson, who had been sleeping in the backseat of the car and was thrown through the window as the car bounced along the ditch. Somehow, the other passenger sitting in the backseat, Ashley Ericksen, 18, also managed to not realize that the population of the car had dropped by a third.

Once Ericksen and Erickson (no, that’s not confusing at all) realized that their passenger had gone AWOL, they returned to find her standing at the side of the road. There was no word on whether she got back in the car, or just decided to walk the rest of the way home.