A president, a boxing champ, and a TV star break in to a pharmacy…

By | July 17, 2012

Clearly someone wasn’t paying close enough attention in investment banker class. Instead of simply milking his clients for money like a normal thief, Edgar Repko, of Newburgh, NY, tried to get creative.

Police in Newburgh say that they caught Mr. Repko, 29, trying to pry his way in to a local pharmacy while wearing a Mr. T mask. Shockingly, they have also tied him to another robbery in which a man was caught on camera robbing the very same pharmacy while wearing a Mike Tyson mask. As well, police feel that he may have been involved in the robbery of a separate pharmacy by a man wearing a Richard Nixon mask. There is no word as of yet as to whether the Mr T. or Nixon masks were whole, or were missing ears.

At least the guy who owns the costume store is getting his bailout.