Weed Killer Goes On Rampage, Kills Lawn As Well

By | July 16, 2012

Ron Olson was preparing his 40,000 square foot lawn for an annual fundraiser he runs to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Wanting to ensure that everything would be perfect, Mr. Olson purchased and applied Ferti-lome weed killer to

English: Adwell Cop Weed-killer has been appli...

remove unsightly weeds. Unfortunately, Mr. Olson failed to read page 2 of the attached 8 page instruction booklet. Had he done so, he would have learned what he soon learned anyway- that Ferti-lome kills grass as well. Not only was the entire lawn destroyed, but the chemical will prevent grass from growing again for up to six months. Mr. Olson, who was forced to cancel the benefit, may want to just live with the weeds next time around.