Colbert Bump? Herman Cain Has More South Carolina Votes Than Perry, Huntsman And Bachmann Combined

By | January 21, 2012

Stephen Colbert was too late to get on the ballot in South Carolina, so he asked his supporters to vote for Herman Cain to show support for him. Was the potential candidate able to move the needle? With 99% of precincts reporting, Cain has 6274 votes to 2430 for Rick Perry, 1130 for Jon Huntsman, and 485 for Michele Bachmann.  Cain’s performance, with the backing of Colbert, is decisive- he has won a majority of the votes received by candidates who have dropped out. With this performance, we believe Colbert and Cain can proceed to Dropped Out-Republican Convention and compete for the non-nomination. Looking forward to seeing the Colbert campaign capitalize on this victory and move on to Florida.