Worst. News Story. Ever.

By | January 18, 2012

We didn’t go to fancy journalism school, so you’ll have to excuse our naivete in assuming that a news article ought to include news.  So we were pretty puzzled when we came across an article in The Vancouver Sun entitled “Museum curator may have answer to Vancouver Island totem-pole mystery”  Could be interesting we thought. We like mysteries. There’s some mystery about a totem pole and a museum curator has a theory. Not exactly. Here’s the entire article:

The origin of the totem pole that washed up at Ogden Point remains a mystery, but some answers may come today when the battered pole is inspected by Grant Keddie, archaeology curator at the Royal B.C. Museum.

Keddie is currently on leave and cannot get to Ogden Point until today, said museum spokeswoman Sue Stackhouse.

“We have had several calls from different parties about that pole,” Stackhouse said.

Hmm, so a totem pole washed up. Mysterious. But no news to report. Some people have called the museum wondering, but the curator is on leave. So nobody knows anything. But we might know something if curator Grant Keddie goes by today. Or not, if he doesn’t get to it. Or something.  Slow news day, we guess.