“It Doesn’t Appear She Urinated On The Painting Or The Urine Damaged It”

By | January 5, 2012

In what might be a case of improvisational performance art gone very, very wrong, 36 year old Carmen Tisch of Colorado scratched, punched, dropped her pants and rubbed her bare buttocks on a $30 million Clyfford Still painting at the Clyfford Still museum in Denver.  Tisch’s outburst caused $10,000 in damage to the painting, titled “1957-J no.2”.  Tisch apparently intended to urinate on the painting as well

“It doesn’t appear she urinated on the painting or that the urine damaged it, so she’s not being charged with that,” Kimbrough said according to the Denver Post.

Apparently, urinating on  painting is a separate crime in Colorado. Tisch, who is presumed to have been drunk at the time, has been held on bond since the incident.