22 Years Later, Convict Tries To Sue “I Don’t Know My Lawyer’s Name”

By | December 26, 2011

Wilfredo Rodena has had a lot of quiet time to think.  22 years into a 25 year sentence for armed kidnapping he thinks he may have found a way to make “one houndred dollarys”.  Rodena recently filed suit alleging his civil rights were violated by his defense attorney, “I don’t know my lawyer’s name”, who did ““not fight for me at all. He did not said one word in my behelf.” Also included in the suit were the Bronx District Attorney, and

“the stenographer is envoled to. But I don’t no her name.”

The unidentified court reporter is to blame, Rodena contends, because she refused to record testimony where Rodena’s victim said he wasn’t the kidnapper.

Instead of typing, Rodena said, “All she did was Smirk at me. And kept her fingers over the machine, and never typed one key.”

Judge Loretta Preska dismissed the case, noting that the defendants were not state actors, and that the statute of limitations had long expires.  Looks like Mr. Rodena was 19 years late, and “a houndred dollarys” short.