In what ought to be a criminal offense, Sharron Smalls, Principal of Jane Addams High School in the South Bronx stands “accused of handing students chemistry credits for cosmetology courses and geography credits for tourism classes. Teachers say the fraud may lead to more than 100 seniors not graduating from the F-rated school because they lack credits in high-level math courses.” Smalls’ actions may have a permanent negative impact on the lives of dozens of students and yet she remains in her position. In addition, Ms. Smalls stands accused of charging teachers for parking spaces, and was shown in an inappropriate photograph circulated by students grinding on a dance floor with a shirtless man while be squirted with chocolate. Despite her actions, Ms. Smalls somehow remains in her position as principal of the school, and students and staff continue to suffer. This is an outrage. The seriousness of the allegations here demand Ms. Smalls immediate removal from any position of authority. Why hasn’t the New York City Department Of Education done so?
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