Dave, The Clueless, Naked Mailman

By | December 20, 2010
A USPS van on Cambridge Street in Harvard Squa...
Image via Wikipedia

Attention Mailmen: Is there a young lady on your route who seems stressed and unhappy? Could she use an extra package to cheer her up? Mailman Dave was confronted with just such a problem as he traveled his appointed rounds. Not one to be daunted, by rain, sleet, snow, cold or arrest, Dave came up with an innovative approach:

Goodman was arrested a short time later at the North Shore Post Office and taken to the police station. There, the police report states, he admitted making the naked mail delivery and said he was only trying to cheer up the woman and make her laugh.

“He stated that he took off his clothes, laid them next to the doorway and knocked on the door,” the report says.

“After (the woman) let him in, he could immediately see that he had upset her and immediately felt bad and stupid. He apologized, left the office and got dressed,” the report states.

Goodman told officers the woman had seemed stressed out and had a lot going on with school and work. He said he told her he intended to pick up the firm’s mail from the post office box and deliver it naked.

He also said he took her response to his statement as a dare.

The woman, however, said she never heard such a statement and did not dare him.

Mailman Dave, we just don’t know what to say, except to thank our own mailman for wearing clothes.