Like a Bad Tattoo, Only More Pathetic, It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s Captain Awesome

By | December 7, 2010
Smiley face changed
Image via Wikipedia

Until last month, an Oregon man went through life being called Douglas Allen Smith Jr. Others were nonplussed by his prosaic name,  and he was able to transact his daily business without attracting undue attention.

But then, inspired by a character on Chuck, the 71st most popular television show last season, he decided to change his name to Captain Awesome(pronounced Captain <snicker> (are you kidding me?) Awesome<snicker>). Being an unemployed cabinet installer, he had plenty of time to pursue a lengthy process in which he had to convince a judge that this was not being done for fraudulent purposes. He was also able to get his signature legally changed to a smiley face.

Mr. Awesome told the Register-Guard that he’d worried Judge Douglas Mitchell would deny his request

“The first thing he said to me was that he thought Douglas was a perfectly honorable first name,” said Awesome (nee Douglas Smith). “I thought, ‘Oh my goodness — I’m screwed.’ ”

But Judge Mitchell acceded to this bizarre request, and Mr. Awesome was free to go home, and return to his life of not installing cabinets.