James Jay Lee Attacks The Heart Of Population Growth: The Discovery Channel

By | September 1, 2010
Discovery Channel logo, used 1985-1995
Image via Wikipedia

James Jay Lee has taken hostages at the Discovery Channel in an attempt to force them to change their programming to reflect his Malthusian worldview.  Apparently, Discovery’s programming about child birth has led to a heretofore unknown baby boom which will overwhelm our planet with “parasitic human infants” and “filthy human children”. Instead, we need to worry about “The Lions, Tigers, Giraffes, Elephants, Froggies, Turtles, Apes, Raccoons, Beetles, Ants, Sharks, Bears, and, of course, the Squirrels.”

Of course. The squirrels. Can’t forget them.

Mr. Lee was previously found guilty of disorderly conduct for a protest outside Discovery headquarters where he threw thousands of dollars in the air.

Mr. Lee continues to demand that “all human procreation and farming must cease!”

Those were the demands and sayings of Lee.

Update: Mr. Lee has reportedly been shot by police, and 3 hostages freed. No word on Mr. Lee’s condition