Multitasking Maternity- DWB- Driving While Birthing

By | May 25, 2010
Newborn child, seconds after birth. The umbili...
Image via Wikipedia

There are no doubt many children born in vehicles each year. Just recently a friend of ours welcomed their new child into the world in the back of an ambulance. It is undoubtedly much rarer, however, when the mother is driving the vehicle while giving birth.

Amanda McBride was at work when she realized the birth of her third son was imminent.  She drove home to get the baby’s father, who is unable to drive due to a seizure disorder, and then proceeded towards the hospital. On the way, her water broke. The Bemidji Pioneer reports

“She yelled at me to grab the wheel,” Phillips said. “And then, all of a sudden, I heard this little waaa (cry).”

Amanda said she had managed to pull down her pants after her water broke.

“And then the baby just came right out,” she said. “I was just sitting on the seat and he just slid out. It really wasn’t bad at all.”

Really wasn’t bad at all! We know there are many methods of birthing; underwater birthing has been trendy of late. But we hope that Ms. McBride’s endorsement of DWB, Driving While Birthing does not spur a new fad.  Congratulations to the parents, but, next time, please call a taxi.