Everything Including the Kitchen Sink

By | April 6, 2007

Someone placed a fake ad on Craigslist, inviting people to take whatever they wanted for free from a Tacoma, WA rental property. The owner, Laurie Raye, recently evicted her tenant and cleaned out the place. However, a phone call alerted her to the destruction caused. She found the outside trashed, the inside nearly gutted and covered in graffiti.

The house was virtually dismantled. The light fixtures, hot water heater, the front door, the windows…even the kitchen sink. Her neighbors later reported seeing strangers hauling stuff away from her home, seemingly looking for salvage material.

An off-duty police officer noticed the ad, inviting people to enter the house, and later noticed the ad was flagged and cancelled after a reported burglary. Raye believes the poster had a personal grudge against her, and commented that, “The instigator who published this ad invited the public to come in and vandalize me.”

When Raye contacted Craig’s List, she received an email back saying they can’t release information about who posted the ad without a subpoena or search warrant. News story available here.